My First Webpage Rocks

As a professional web developer, it's pretty funny to come across one of the first web pages you ever wrote. And embarrassing. Recently, Google just had their 10th anniversary and as part of the celebration they dug up a really old web index they had lying around from 2001 and put it back online.

So as any self respecting web junkie would do, I immediately searched for my name. Not too many results for me, but Google did have my university home page already archived at least. It's a funny, simple HTML page that included a snippet of text telling people to check out my "real site" (I'll save that discussion for another time). The rest of this little page consisted of a link/image to my favorite search engine at that time, Google, including an inline search form that posted to Google (wow how cool is that, you can post form data from one site to another??!!!! amazing!!!!!). Then I closed that page out with a link/image to my favorite band, Phish, and then a naive mailto to my primary email address.

Granted this wasn't my main site but I just found it really funny to go back that far in time into my "internet history" and find something like this. Equally funny was my advocacy of Google, especially given the circumstances of how I rediscovered this page.

See Justin K. Perkins Old page from 2000/01 time period. Btw, the name of that page (sac10559) is my old university unique ID, and I swear I don't think I will ever forget it for the rest of my life. I must've typed/written/said that string of characters a million times while in college. For the curious, my old web address was:

From an ever loyal fan, thanks to Google for a pretty alright search engine and thanks to web archive for keeping tabs on all our content.

Oh, one other thing, go check out that page and click the search button without entering anything in the search box. Oh DAAMMNNN!!! Look at those scripting skills!!!!!!

09:31 PM | 1 Comment


  1. "Pretty alright" -- that's rich.

    I looked at your source code for your linked web page and am very impressed. I would like to pay you $15 to write a guestbook CGI script for me. Interested?

    I looked for myself on Google's old index, but had lackluster results. No worries, though, I've saved practically every web page I've ever made. Just took a walk down memory lane, which can be summarized thusly: "4.0 browser or better", "Clip art", "Made with a Mac".

    Jeff Keen on
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